Education is what made us what we are. We are the only species in the animal kingdom that used its ‘grey cells’ to continuously learn and evolve. With the skilful application of our mind, we have been able to constantly innovate, change, adapt and rise above the rest of the species. Despite physical limitations human beings have been able to rule the world. The process of learning and inventing new things is what kept us way ahead from the rest. This is why education is so important. Without it, we are as good, or rather as ordinary as any animal. Education makes us think, question the veracity of established beliefs and faith and enable us to put things in perspective. It helps us think rationally and act responsibly. With education, we transform into responsible citizens, which in turn creates a very robust society. Schools are the institutions that emanate the light of education. Competition is a part and parcel of today’s life. It has percolated every walk of life and how could schools escape its influence? Schools are sprouting up like wild mushrooms. Every nook and cranny would have a school to boast of. This has given rise to cut throat competition in the field of education prompting schools to adopt innovative methods and ideas to stay ahead in the race. But many school these days have transformed into money minting machines for those who run them. In such a situation,
home education seems to be the best bet.
There are many people around the world that are deprived from the privilege of attending a school or college. Many people aren’t able to complete their education either because many of the prestigious institutions charge exorbitant fee and they don’t have enough money to pursue those courses, or because they don’t have the time to pursue further education. The latter seems to be the most common factor in a country like the UK. Many youngsters start earning at a very young age and they seldom realise that putting studies in the backburner would be against their long term interests. But those who think that it’s too late needn’t worry anymore. Even they can realize all their career related dreams without forsaking their jobs. With
home schooling, they can take up a course as per their interest or inclination and shape their career. But it is vital to pursue the
home education courses from a trusted institution. Once you are sure about their credentials and reputation, you could enrol yourself for such a course and turn all your dreams into reality!
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